Update: As I am publishing this, I’m finding out that Mambi does offer (elusive) home management inserts! If I can track them down, I will add them to this post for ya’ll

Keeping your home organized and running smoothly is one of the best feelings.

The issue for many (myself include) is that there are so many things to keep up with with your home.

You can’t forget to change your filters. And who is your favorite plumber again? What projects do you have to take care of next? All of this is a lot to try to remember on your own. Having a home management planner makes it easy to track all these moving parts so that you don’t have to feel behind again.

I have used a home management binder in my home for years and it has been the biggest help. and now that I’m a year deep into motherhood, working and a new home owner, I’ve realized that more than ever I need a system like that again.

This time around, I wanted to add a planning element to our system, as we have a lot of appointments to keep up with with our little one. So I Frankinstien’d an old Happy Planner to serve as our new home management system and I have to say that I’m in love with it.

Mambi (the creators of Happy Planner) offers an assortment of different calendars and add ons for their planners that I find useful for the home, and their disk system, allow you to add and subtract pages with ease.

I did have a hard time finding examples on how to set up a Happy Planner for a home management planner though. So I figured that I would share with you all some of the pages (a part from the calendar section) that I found most useful in mine.

If you would like a more in depth look into my Happy Planner home management system, be sure to check out the companion video I made on my channel!.

Wellness Section

Most people might find this to be a bit odd for a home management binder– and it would be for a tradition ring system. But I find that this actually works quite well in our home Happy Planner.

I’ve been learning that a house that is healthy together, runs a lot more smoothly. So we use the wellness extension pack as a quick go to for ideas on work outs, tools for de-stressing, reelect on our mental wellness as a family and to see overviews of health related appointments.

Again, I know that this isn’t the traditional thing that you would have in your home management system, but I would HIGLY encourage folks to add a wellness section to theirs, as it has been a great help for our family.

Running List & To-Do’s

Putting all of our list and to-do’s in our home Happy Planner was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Of course, I still have some lists in my personal planner, but having all of them in one place is more than convenient. No longer does my husband come running to me asking what projects need to happen this weekend–he just goes to the planner.

While we keep several list in our home planner, here are the main ones that I recommend for everyone:

  • Home improvements
  • Online orders
  • Pantry innovatory
  • Home inventory (in case of theft)
  • Thank you’s (To keep track who you need to send them to)
  • Wish list
  • Master packing list

Happy Planner offers an assortment of pre made list that you can use. But I haven’t seen them make many that are useful for me in a home management planner. So to get around that, I bought note sheets and created the list myself.

Important Miscelanous

I don’t quite know what I call this section of my home planner, but I think it’s a MUST for anyone building their’s.

Its a catch all section for me, that holds emergency contacts, supplier information, all known allergens for those that frequent our home, cleaning routines and things of that nature.

These things on their own aren’t enough to fill a section. But its all important information to have on hand, so I keep them together here.

Again, I had to DIY most of this section, but it wasn’t hard to do with the inserts that Happy Planner currently has available.

Budget and Finance Goals

Last, but defiantly not least, you’re going to want to have a budget and finance section in your home management planner.

And Happy Planner actually offers a really decent budgeting insert. Their packs are meant to last 4 months and offer everything you would need to track and balance your budget.

I personally like to hack this pack and extend the life of it, by laminating the monthly expense worksheet, so that I can just wipe it down at the end of each month.

All in all, whatever you end up using for your house management system should be functional for you. Feel free to add and subtract sections from your section as needed! Do you use home management system? Let me know what you think of it!

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